My main site was horribly outdated (I didn’t even update it for my last job search) so I spent last month modernizing it. Here’s a summary of the changes I made:

Creating an Angular Project

In order to migrate my website, I first needed to be accustomed to developing in Angular on my machine. Angular runs off of Node, so I used NVM to install Node. I used this page as a reference for installing and using NVM: Then, I used the instructions on both to install Angular on my machine and to initialize a new Angular project.

At some point I’ll figure out how initialize a Node project using Docker alone, without installing frameworks on my host machine beforehand.

Local Development Using Docker

After generating a package.json file with the dependencies listed I set up a Docker container for hosting the Angular site on localhost while I worked on the code. I used a blog post for a reference for creating the Dockerfile and docker-compose file. Here is the final Dockerfile below:

FROM node:lts
COPY . .
RUN npm install
CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

Additionally, here’s the docker-compose file:

version: '3'
      context: ./web
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "4200:4200"
    container_name: angular-ui
       - ./web/src:/app/src

I had trouble exposing the Angular app, so I did some research and ran into this article. Long story short, I had to swap out the default start method on the package.json with the following: ng serve --host --port 4200.

Switch from Bootstrap to Angular Material

I used Bootstrap as the design system on the previous iteration of the website. In a past attempt to upgrade the website, I tried combining Bootstrap with Angular but I ran into issues with the layout. I had a much easier time switching over to Angular Material to handle the styling.

Staging Environment

Rather than spin up an Angular server, I hosted the website on a static S3 bucket with a CloudFront instance for handling the SSL and caching. In order to verify that the setup works, I tested the new website in a staging environment before pushing it to production. Years ago, I wrote a blog post for setting up AWS infrastructure for an image server, I just had to modify the instructions slightly to have it work for a static website:

  • Turn on static website hosting on the S3 bucket by going to Properties > Edit static website hosting
  • In CloudFront, set the origin domain to the web hosting domain ( instead of the S3 bucket itself

Additional Reading

All of the code changes can be viewed on this pull request.