I just upgraded the local environment for developing this blog. Previously, I used a combination of Vagrant and VirtualBox to run Jekyll; now I’ve found out how to do it all from Docker. I did this for the following reasons:

  • As I hinted at in an earlier blog post, there are legal risks to using VirtualBox that I’d rather avoid altogether.
  • There’s only so much that Vagrant and VirtualBox provides out of the box. I had to write separate scripts for installing Ruby, Jekyll, and other dependencies. By contrast, there’s a Docker image that does the heavy lifting for you.
  • Every time there is a new version of either Vagrant, VirtualBox, or Ubuntu I would have to up manually update that dependency (and sometimes the latest versions of each aren’t compatible with each other). With Docker I only need to install new versions of Docker Desktop when they arrive, and since my team is now using Docker in our everyday work it’s something I’m already keeping up to date.

Transitioning to Docker was pretty easy. This blog comment provided a Compose file for running Jekyll locally. I only needed to make small edits to get it to work for my purposes:

version: "3.8"
    container_name: dandelarosa-blog
    image: jekyll/jekyll:latest
    command: jekyll serve --livereload
      - "4000:4000"
      - .:/srv/jekyll

All I need to do now to launch my Jekyll project is call docker-compose up on my project root. I’m glad that I’m finally on a single-line setup.